Assignr allows you to share what kinds of games you'd prefer to work from within your account's Preferences.
How Preferences Work.
Assignr allows you to communicate the following types of preferences to each of your assignors:
Venues / Venue Areas,
Age Groups,
Positions, and
Distance you're willing to travel.
If you input preferences for any of the above game attributes, your future assignments will be restricted to the games that match the preferences you've named.
Let's look at an example together.
This official has indicated they:
are willing to work U9, U10, U12, any position,
are willing to work U14-16 as an assistant referee only,
can only work games located in Brighton, Pittsford, Henrietta, Fairport, and
will only travel to work games within 30 miles of Albany.
How to Update your Preferences.
1. Navigate to Preferences.
π‘ If you don't see the Preferences menu item within your account, it likely means that your assignor has opted to not allow preferences within their organization.
2. If applicable: add your Venue / Venue Area Preferences.
If you'd like to restrict the games you work to specific venues / venue areas, indicate them in the dropdown on-screen, then select Save.
Leave the Venue / Venue Area dropdown blank if you'd like to be assigned games at any venue / venue area.
3. If applicable: add Age Group, League, and/or Position Preferences.
If you'd like to restrict the games you work to specific age groups, leagues, and/or positions, use the dropdowns on-screen to indicate which ones respectively, then select Save.
Leave the Age Group, League, and/or Position dropdowns blank if you'd prefer to not be restricted by these game attributes.
4. If applicable: add a Travel Restriction.
If you'd like to restrict the games you work to be within a certain distance of your home, move through the following steps:
1. Select Edit Travel Restriction.
2. Enter your home address in the Search bar, and select it.
3. Add the number of miles/kilometers you're willing to travel from your address.
4. Select Save.
Omit adding a Travel Restriction if you'd prefer to work games any distance from your home.
Frequently Asked Questions β Preferences for Officials.
1. If I enter preferences, will I still be assigned to games that do not align with my preferences?
The short answer to this one is: it depends. When your assignor is assigning you to a game, they'll be able to see whether a game aligns with your preferences or not. Because of this, it is likely that you will only be assigned games that match up with your submitted preferences.
With that being said, assignors can technically still assign you to games outside of your preferred parameters. Should this happen, you'll have the option to either accept or decline those assignments.
2. What's the difference between sharing what locations I'm available to work in my Availability calendar, and my Venue Preferences?
Great question. Preferences are meant to inform your assignor of what types of venues, age groups, leagues, and positions you'd prefer to work year-round.
Sharing the location(s) you're available to work within your Availability calendar is meant to inform your assignor of what venues / venue areas you are available to work on specific dates.
Let's look at an example together.
If you always prefer to work games at Venues A, B and C, regardless of date, then you should enter those venues under your Venue Preferences.
If, say, on March 10th, you will only be able to make it to Venue A, then you should enter that in your Availability calendar for that date.
You can learn more about how to update your availability by location here: Managing your Availability.
3. How can I remove my preferences?
For Venue / Venue Area, Age Group, League, and Position preferences, simply select the Remove button to the right of whatever preference(s) you wish to remove.
To remove a travel restriction, select Edit Travel Restriction, then Remove Travel Restriction.
4. I'm part of more than one Assignr site. Do I need to enter my preferences for each site separately?
Yes! Preferences are site-specific.
5. Can I update my preferences on the mobile app and the website?
Currently, preferences can only be updated by logging into We plan to add this to our mobile app in the near future though!
6. I don't see a Preferences button in my account. Why?
If you don't see the Preferences menu item within your account, it likely means that your assignor has opted to not allow preferences within their organization. Feel free to reach out to your assignor directly if you wish to communicate preferences to them.
The exception to this is if you yourself have assignor permissions. If you're an assignor, you can view officials' preferences (including your own, if applicable) from within each person's profile. You can learn more about utilizing preferences from an assignor's point of view here: How to Understand Officials' Preferences.
7. Is my assignor able to view and update my preferences?
Technically, yes, assignors can view and/or edit your preferences. With that being said, the expectation is that officials are typically the ones managing their own preferences.
8. I'm an assignor. How can I better understand my officials' preferences?
You can learn all about preferences from an assignor's point of view here: How to Understand Officials' Preferences.