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How to Set Up Assignor Fees

This article is intended for administrators or assignors looking to set up assignor fees for their site.

Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over 3 months ago

A Summary of How Assignor Fees Work.

If you need to track and pay fees owed to an assignor for their services, you can use our system to do this.

πŸ’‘ Assignor fees are charged back to the league that each game is associated with.

Here's a summary of how the different aspects of assignor fees work:

Calculation Method:

Flat Fees or

Percentage-Based Fees

You can set up assignor fees to be a fixed amount, or a percentage of the fees being paid to officials for that game.


Per-Game (most common) or

Per-Assignment Fees

You can set up assignor fees to be per game or per assignment. More info on this in the FAQ section below.


One Assignor Fee Rule or

Multiple Rules

If all of your games (or assignments) should have the same assignor fee tied to them, then you'll only need to create one rule.

If you charge different fees depending on the attributes associated with your games or assigments, then you will need to create different rules for each of your assignor fee types. More info on this in the instructions below.

First, you'll want to enable assignor fees. Then, you can configure them.

How to Enable Assignor Fees.

Assignor fees can be enabled from the Site Settings page.

  1. From the upper right-hand corner, select your name, then select Settings.

  2. Select the list of Other Enabled Features.

  3. Select the Travel & Assignor Fees option.

  4. Select Save.

How to Configure Assignor Fees.

Assignor fees can be configured from the Maintenance β†’ Assignor Fees page.

You can configure one or more rules to calculate the assignor fee paid for each game (or assignment).

One Rule versus More than One.

One Rule for all Games.

If you charge an assignor fee per game (or assignment), regardless of what kind of game it is, you will only need to add one rule on the Assignor Fees page:

  1. Select + New Rule.

  2. Select the Calculation & Mode of the assignor fee.

  3. In the Amount box, enter the amount (or percentage) of the assignor fee.

  4. Select Save.

Different Rules for different Games.

If you charge different assignor fees depending on the League, Game Type, Home Team Group, Age Group, Home Team, and/or Event associated with your game(s), or assigment(s), then you will need to create one rule for each type of game that requires a different fee.

  1. Select + New Rule.

  2. Select the Calculation & Mode of the assignor fee.

  3. In the Amount box, enter the amount (or percentage) of the assignor fee.

  4. in the League(s), Game Type(s), Home Team Group(s), Age Group(s), Home Team(s), and Event(s) boxes, choose the specific criteria that the fee should be associated with.

  5. Select Save.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each type of game that requires a different assignor fee.

Frequently Asked Questions about Assignor Fees.

1. What's the diffference between Per Game and Per Assignment Assignor Fees?

Per Game Assignor Fees means that a game's assignor will receive one fee for that game.

Per Assignment Assignor Fees means that a game's assignor will receive one fee per position that they assign for said game.

Let's look at an example together.

Per Game Assignor Fees. When an assignor fee is configured to be $12 per game, the assignor will get paid $12 for the game, regardless of whether one official is assigned to the game or 3 officials are assigned to it.

Per Assignment Assignor Fees. When an assignor fee is configured at $4 per assignment, the assignor gets paid $4 per assigned official. An assignor for a game that is assigned 3 officials gets paid $12. An assignor for a game that needs 3 officials but only has two officials assigned to it gets paid $8.

Most organizations pay assignors per game, rather than per assignment.

2. How are assignor fees prioritized, if there's more than one rule?

Rules are evaluated in priority order, with the rule at the top being evaluated first.

Rules can be prioritized by using the three dots button to the right of each rule, to drag and re-order them.

3. When I update assignor fee rules, will games' assignor fees automatically be updated?

No. Assignor fees are calculated at the time that a game is added to the system.

So if you modify assignor fee rules, then any already-existing games will not be updated to reflect those modified rule(s). If you'd like, you can select the Recalculate button (from the Maintenance β†’ Assignor Fees page) to update all games to reflect the most up-to-date assignor fee rules in the system.

πŸ’‘ If you use Assignr to pay assignors via direct deposit, then recalculating assignor fees for games will not affect any already-paid assignor fees. Even though the games themselves will show the updated assignor fees, the originally-paid assignor fees will remain as is.

4. How can we pay assignors their assignor fees via direct deposit?

Assignors can be paid their assignor fees through the Direct Deposit system. In order to pay an assignor:

  1. Each game must have an assignor assigned to it, and

  2. Each game must have assignor fees configured.

Once both of these have been configured, the designated assignor, along with their fees, will be shown on the Approve Games screen.

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