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How to Understand Officials' Assignment Preferences

This article is intended for assignors & administrators looking to optimize assigning by using the Preferences feature.

Bibs Leitzmann avatar
Written by Bibs Leitzmann
Updated this week

By default, Assignr allows your officials to share their assigning preferences with you, by way of our Preferences feature.

In summary, this allows your officials to tell you what kinds of games they're comfortable working, as well as the distance they're willing to travel for said games.

The Types of Preferences your Officials can Communicate.

Your officials can communicate the following types of preferences to you:

  1. The age groups, leagues, and positions they are willing to work,

  2. The venues or venue areas they are willing to work, and

  3. A maximum distance they're willing to travel from their home.

This translates to officials being able to indicate things like:

  • willing to work U9, U10, U12, any position,

  • willing to work U14-16 as an assistant referee only,

  • can only work games located in Brighton, Pittsford, Henrietta, Fairport, or

  • will only travel to work games within 30 miles of Albany.

How to Utilize your Officials' Preferences when Assigning.

Once your officials update their preferences, you'll want to honor those preferences when assigning.

In the assigning dropdown, you'll see conflict codes to the right of officials' names if an assignment doesn't align with their preferences.

  1. V conflict code — means this assignment doesn't match up with the official's preferred venues / venue areas.

  2. F conflict code — means this assignment doesn't match up with the official's preferred age group / league / position combinations.

Avoid scheduling officials to assignments that return either of these conflict codes.

Frequently Asked Questions — Preferences for Assignors.

1. I do not want my officials to be able to enter preferences. How do I shut this feature off for them?

The easiest way to do this if by updating your Officials' Permissions settings.

  1. Navigate to People → Permissions.

  2. Select Official.

  3. Uncheck Manage Assignment Preferences.

  4. Select Save.

You can learn more about how to manage permissions here: How to set up Permissions for your Users.

2. Can I update my officials' preferences?

Yes. You can do this from within officials' profiles, by selecting Assignment Preferences, and updating the preferences from there.

3. I'm both an assignor and an official. How do I enter my preferences?

You'll do this from within your profile, by selecting Assignment Preferences, and updating your preferences from there.

4. Can I view preferences from the Availability → All Availability page?

No. Preferences are viewable only from within assigning dropdowns and in individuals' profiles.

5. What is the difference between Conflicts and Assignment Preferences?

Conflicts and Assignment Preferences both live in an official's profile.

Typically, conflicts are only accessible to assignors, whereas preferences are accessible to both official and assignor.

Conflicts indicate Teams, Leagues, People, and Venues an official should NOT work with.

Preferences indicate Venues, and Leagues / Age Groups / Positions an official WOULD like to work.

You can learn more about conflicts here: Team, League & Person Conflicts.

6. What happens if I assign an official to a game that doesn't align with their preferences?

The official will have the option to accept or decline that assignment, just like they would any other game.

Should they accept the assignment, the system will remove any preferences-related conflict codes for that assignment only. (It will not update their preferences for any other assignments).

7. I'm an official. How can I better understand Preferences?

You can learn all about preferences from an official's point of view here: How to Update your Assignment Preferences.

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