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Re-assign Declined Games
Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over a week ago

Re-assign Declined Games


Once your officials have received their assignments, they should login to and accept or decline their assignments. Hopefully most will accept their assignments, but some assignments will likely be declined.

When an assignment has been declined, you will get an immediate email. In most cases, you will simply want to un-assign officials from declined assignments. A notice will also appear at the top of the Games screen, which will give you two options:

  • Review or Reassign: this will narrow the list of games to only games with declined assignments. You can individually re-assign any of these games, or remove the official who declined the game.

  • Unassign: click this link to immediately unassign all declined assignments.

Regardless of which option you choose, the official will receive a notification that they have been removed from the game.

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