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Using Self-Assign
Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over a year ago

Our self-assign system makes it easier for assignors to allow officials to choose their own games. The self-assign feature is completely optional, and is disabled by default.

The self-assign system uses the existing Assignr rules to ensure that an official is not able to assign themselves into an assignment that is not appropriate. For example, an official may not:

  • assign themselves to two different games at the same time,

  • assign themselves to a game or position that they are not qualified to work,

  • assign themselves to a game where the referee has a team, league or venue conflict.

The self-assign feature is enabled on the site settings page:

  • click your name, upper right corner of the screen

  • click Account

  • click Edit Site Settings

  • In the Game Requests & Self Assign section, choose the Referees can self-assign if it does not create a conflict option.

  • In the Game Visibility section, choose the View their own assignments, and any unassigned games option or any of the options below it.


Once self-assign is enabled, you'll add games to Assignr, and then publish the games so officials can see them. Once games are published, officials can view the available games from the Unassigned Games screen.

Each unassigned position will have a Request It button next to the assignment if it is available for self assign. For purposes of self-assign and game requests, the official's availability is ignored, however, all other conflict checks will be evaluated.

When an official clicks the Request It button next to an open assignment, one of two things will happen:

  • If the official can work the game and there are no conflicts, and they are permitted to self-assign, then they will automatically be assigned to the game.

  • If there is some reason why they should not be able to assign themselves, then it will just show up as a "game request". You'll be periodically notified of pending game requests and you can either assign that person or assign someone else. Either way, we let the official know when a) they have been assigned, or b) someone else was assigned.

This functionality also works in the mobile app. Games that an official can request will show a green Request Game button next to it.

Restricting Eligible Games

You can restrict the games eligible for self-assign from the Site Settings page. When you first enable self-assign, all games are eligible for self assign.

To add some restrictions on which games are eligible, use the Add a Self Assign Rule link.


Restricting Eligible Officials

You can also restrict the officials who can use the self-assign feature. Depending on how many officials you would like to allow, the feature can be configured in two ways:

  • Allow all officials to self-assign, with the option to block specific officials from using the feature, OR

  • Only allow specific officials to use the self-assign feature, and block all others from using it.

This is configured on the Site Settings page.

Each official can be permitted or blocked from their profile page.


Other Configuration Options

There are a few other things that can be configured, depending on how you want to handle specific scenarios:

  • Configure assignment limits for your site and/or your referees. Assignr can limit the maximum number of assignments a referee can accept. These values can be configured to limit assignments per day, per week, and per month. These values are optional. However, if they are not set, a single referee may assign themselves to all of your open games.

  • Decide if a referee can un-assign themselves. By default, when a referee declines a game, the game will remain assigned to the referee. To change this behavior, so that a declined game is unassigned immediately, use the Site Settings screen.

  • Decide how much notice is required to decline a game. ensures that a referee cannot decline a game within 36 hours of a game's start time. This time period can be adjusted if needed. To change this behavior, use the Site Settings screen.

  • Decide how a last minute game change should be handled. By default, a referee may decline a game that is changed on short notice. To change this behavior, so that a referee cannot decline a game that has been changed on short notice, use the Site Settings screen.

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