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How to Review your Profile Information

This article is intended for officials who are looking to update their account (or profile) information.

Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you are an official logging in for the first time, you will want to ensure your contact information is correct. To verify this information:

  1. In the upper right-hand corner of your account, select your name.

  2. Select My Account.

This screen allows you to:

  1. Update your contact information,

  2. Change your username/password,

  3. Add an additional email address,

  4. Modify your privacy settings,

  5. Manage the sites you're a part of,

  6. And more.

In order to make updates to your profile, select the relevant tabs, and Edit buttons, then follow the on-screen prompts before selecting Save.

Frequently Asked Questions β€” My Account.

1. I do not want other officials to see my email address(es). How do I update this?

As an official, you have access to the list of officials for your site. By default, your contact information cannot be seen by other officials unless you allow it to be seen. Other officials can send you messages by logging into Assignr. However, if your email address is marked as Not Visible, they will not be able to see your email address.

To update this:

  1. In the upper right-hand corner of your account, select your name.

  2. Select My Account.

  3. To the right of your email address, select Edit.

  4. Update the Show Address to Officials? dropdown.

  5. Select Save changes.

If an official is assigned to the same game as you are, they will still be able to send you an email from within Assignr.

2. I do not want other officials to see my phone number(s). How do I update this?

If you do not want other officials to see your phone number, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper right-hand corner of your account, select your name.

  2. Select My Account.

  3. At the bottom of the Contact Info & Emergency Contacts tab, select Edit.

  4. Under the phone number(s) you wish to remain private, uncheck the Show in Directory checkbox.

  5. Select Save.

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