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Travel Fees
Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over a week ago

For groups that also pay their officials a travel fee, the system supports the entry of a one-off travel fee associated with each assignment.

Travel fees will show up in all of our reports. For groups that use our Direct Deposit functionality, any travel fees will also be included in the official's pay.

Enable Travel Fees

The feature can be enabled from the Site Settings page:

  • click your name, upper right corner of the screen, then

  • choose Account

  • choose the Other Enabled Features option,

  • check the Travel & Assignor Fees option

  • click Save

Add a Travel Fee

  • use the Games β†’ All Games menu option

  • locate the game that needs a travel fee associated with it

  • click Edit

  • In the Assigned Officials & Fees section, find the Travel Fee box associated with one of the assigned officials, and enter an amount.

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