If you have never logged into the website, ask your assignor to send you a signup email.
If you have previously logged into the website, and can't remember your password:
Click the Forgot my Password link on the login screen
Enter your email address in the text box and click Change My Password
Check your email account. You should have an email from assignr.com, which will contain a reset URL.
Click the URL contained in the email
This will bring you back to the assignr.com website, and you will be asked to change your password.
Change your password
If you need to change your password:
Login to the assignr.com website
In the upper-right corner of the screen, click your name, then choose Profile.
Click the Change Password button
You can navigate directly to this page here.
From this page, you can also change your login or username. If you want to change your username without changing your password, just choose a new login and click Save Changes without entering your current or new password.