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A Breakdown of Conflict Codes

This article is intended for assignors looking to understand what the letters to the right of each officials' name means, when assigning.

Bibs Leitzmann avatar
Written by Bibs Leitzmann
Updated over 2 months ago

What is a Conflict Code?

When assigning officials to games, in the assigning dropdown, you may notice a letter or letters to the right of an officials' name:

These are called 'Conflict Codes,' and are abbreviations for reasons you may not want to assign the official to said position.

What does each Conflict Code mean?

You can view what an official's conflicts mean by selecting the Conflicts tab underneath the game you're assigning.

You can also learn what each conflict code means in the table below:

Conflict Code

Full Name of Conflict Code

Description of Conflict

Where to Edit/View this Conflict


no conflicts

The system doesn’t detect any conflicts related to assigning this official to the game and position in question.


[RQ] or ✋ Emoji


This official has requested to work this game.

Note: this symbol will show up to on left-hand side of the official’s name, as opposed to the right. You can learn more about game requests here.


This official is currently assigned to work this position at this game.

Note: this symbol will show up to on left-hand side of the official’s name, as opposed to the right.


Ability conflict

The official does not have the ability to work this game’s age group, according to their Abilities settings in their profile.

Most sites will not see this conflict code. If you do use our abilities feature, then you can view (and edit) an official’s ability to work different age groups by selecting Abilities from within their profile.


age restriction (Birthdate)

The official does not meet the Minimum Age Requirement for a game's Age Group.

You can view (and edit) the Minimum Age Requirements for each Age Group under Maintenance / Ages & Fees.


game Counts

If the official works this game, they will exceed their maximum number of allowed assignments.

You can edit an individual official’s assignment limits by selecting Edit from within their profile, updating the Assignment Limits section of their account, and selecting Save.

You can edit site-wide assignment limits by navigating to your site’s Account in the upper right-hand corner, selecting Edit Site Settings, updating the Assignment Limits section of your site, and selecting Update.


Date conflict

The official has not set themselves as available from their Availability page at this game’s date/time.

You can view an official’s availability by selecting Availability from within their profile.

You can learn more about how officials can add their availability to their profiles here.


working Elsewhere

The official is already working a different game during the time of this game.

You can view an official’s assigned games by selecting Games from within their profile.


Group conflict

This official has a conflict due to the Groups & Rules they’re associated with.

You can view (and edit) your groups & rules by navigating to the Maintenance / Groups & Rules section of your account.

You can learn more about Groups & Rules here.


location conflict

The official has indicated they can only work for a specific site, venue and/or venue area.

Officials can update this from their Availability calendar.


League conflict

The official has a conflict with the league this game is associated with.

You can view (and edit) an official’s league conflicts by selecting Conflicts from within their profile.


conflict with Other official

The official has a conflict with another official working this game.

You can view (and edit) officials’ person conflicts by selecting Conflicts from within their profile.


Previously declined this game

This official previously declined an assignment to this game.

The system prevents you from re-assigning an official to a game they have previously declined. Of course, if it wasn’t a mistake, you can always override this conflict and assign them to this game for them.


Ratings conflict

Sites that have our rating system enabled might see this if an official does not meet an assignment's rating requirement.

Rating requirements can be updated by editing age groups, from the Maintenance / Ages & Fees page.


Not USSF certified

This official is not USSF certified.

This conflict code will only show up in sites that are using our USSF integration.


Team conflict

The official has a conflict with a team playing in this game.

You can view (and edit) an official’s team conflicts by selecting Conflicts from within their profile.

You can learn more about team conflicts here.



The official has a conflict somewhere in the Registration module.

If an official does not meet an organization’s registration requirements at the time of assigning a particular game, the U conflict code will appear. You can view (and edit) your organization’s registration setup by selecting Registration / Configuration.


Venue conflict

The official has a conflict with the venue this game is at.

You can view (and edit) officials’ venue conflicts by selecting Conflicts from within their profile.


eXternal conflict

The official is already working a different game during the time of this game, for another organization that also uses the platform.

You can see when an official is working a game externally by selecting Availability from within their profile.


Zone conflict

The official is not assigned to this game's zone, or district.

Note: This conflict code is only relevant to those using our zone/district feature.

You can learn more about assigning officials to games here: How to Assign Officials to a Game.

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