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How to set up Permissions for your Users
Bibs Leitzmann avatar
Written by Bibs Leitzmann
Updated over a week ago

This article will walk you through three things:

  1. The four main types of roles that a user within the platform can have. Plus the three different types of assignors.

  2. How to set up users with no game permission restrictions.

  3. How to set up game permission restrictions for certain user types. We'll also go into detail about how exactly these game permissions function.

The four user types within the platform:

First, let's review the different roles that you can grant your users within the platform. You'll find a brief description of each in the table below.

Note πŸ’‘ some of these roles are able to have their access to the platform restricted in certain ways. For example, an assignor may only need permissions to view one league, rather than every league in the site. We cover how to implement these restrictions later in the article.

General Types of Users:

Type of User

Description of User

Ways to Restrict this Type of User

(also called a Referee)

Officials (or referees) are the most common kind of user in the system. Officials are the folks that you're assigning to games to work.


Assignors are the ones helping to assign those officials to games. Assignors with full permissions can manage all aspects of the site, including game fees owed to officials.

There are 3 different types of assignors: assignors, game managers & restricted assignors (which we explain below).

Through Game Permissions (covered below), and/or Officials Lists.

(also called a Read-Only account)

Observers have read-only access to all the information within the platform. They can view games and officials, but they cannot assign said officials to said games.

Through Game Permissions (covered below).


Managers are intended for school personnel, such as coaches, athletic directors, and venue managers. You can add managers on our elite, enterprise, and per-game plans.

Managers also have read-only access, but (unlike observers) managers can be granted access to just the specific school(s) that are relevant for them. You can also add their Title to the platform.

Lastly, you can tie them to the team(s) they work with, from the Maintenance β†’ Teams page.

Through Game Permissions (covered below).


The owner of a site has access to the billing section of Assignr and is therefore able to upgrade or adjust the subscription that the site is on.

An owner's user record cannot be deleted by another user. The owner is the one that receives plan renewal reminders.

Changes in account ownership can be made by contacting the support team ([email protected]).


The Three Different Types of Assignors:

As was mentioned above, there are three different types of assignors. Here's a breakdown of which assignor types are able to manage games themselves versus game assignments:

Assignor Type

Ability to manage games
(e.g. add/edit/cancel games)

Ability to manage
​game assignments

​​(i.e. assign officials to games)

(with full assigning access)



Game Managers
(not to be confused with the Manager user type above*)



Restricted Assignor



How to grant a person one (or some) of these roles:

A user's permissions are found at the bottom of their profile page:

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Game Permissions:

For users with NO Game Permission Restrictions:

In order to grant someone one of the four roles outlined above, when you're adding a person to the platform, or editing their profile, you'll simply:

  1. Select the checkbox next to the permissions you want them to have.

  2. Ignore (or Remove) any Game Permissions pop-up boxes that might appear on the screen.

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  3. Select Save.

For Assignors, Observers, or Managers WITH Game Permission Restrictions:

As we mentioned at the start of this article, sometimes users do not need access to an entire site's worth of games. We've built in ways to limit these users' access, in order to ensure they're only seeing the games that are relevant for them.

When you're adding a person with these restrictions to the platform (or editing their profile) you'll want to follow these steps:

1. Under Permissions, select the checkbox next to the permissions you want your user to have.

2. Optional: for Managers only, add the user's Title, School(s), and Referee Contact visibility in the appropriate boxes.

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3. In the Game Permissions box(es) that pop up on the screen, select all the relevant Game Permissions you want this user to have. Be sure to add + New Game Permissions, as needed.

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3. Select Save.

A few notes on how these Game Permission restrictions work:

Reminder: Game Permissions = Optional.

If you want a user to have access to all games sitewide, leave the Game Permissions dropdowns blank. (Or better yet, select the Remove button to the right of them).

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Each Game Permission is League-Dependent.

If you are limiting a user's games, you must first select which league you want your game permissions to apply to, in the League dropdown. From there, you can select any additional limitations from the other dropdowns, for that league.

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You must create + New Game Permissions for each League that you want a user to have access to.

This is because each set of Game Permissions only applies to the league that is selected in the League dropdown.

Let's look at an example together.

To get a better sense for how Game Permissions work, let's take a look at this assignor's permissions:

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In this scenario, if we look at the first set of Game Permissions, we can see that the assignor would have access to all games where:

The game's League = Group A.

AND the game's Venue = Allen HS or Amsterdam Elementary.

The system would not limit visibility of Group A League games based on Venue Area, Home Team, or Home Team Groups, since these dropdowns are blank.

For Group A games, the assignor would have full assigning permissions.

Now let's look at the second set of Game Permissions. This set of permissions tells us that this assignor would also have access to all games where:

The game's League = Group B.

The system would not limit visibility of Group B League games based on Venue, Venue Area, Home Team, or Home Team Groups, since these dropdowns are blank.

For Group B games, the assignor is a Game Manager, and would only be able to manage games, and not game assignments.

If there were other leagues in this assignor's site, they would not have access to those leagues' games, until/unless they had + New Game Permissions added to their profile for those leagues.

How to Enable Game Permissions on your site:

Game Permissions are available on our Elite, Enterprise and Per-Game Plans. As long as you're on one of these plans, simply reach out to our customer support team, and we'd be happy to enable this feature for your site ([email protected]).

We hope this helps!

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