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How to Send Login Credentials to New Users
Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over a week ago

There are a few different ways you can send a new user their login credentials. (Note: login information will not automatically send after you bulk-upload officials to the system β€” we explain how to do that in option three πŸ‘‡).

Here are the three most common ways:

1. One-at-a-time, when manually adding a user's profile.

If you create a user's profile manually, by using the + Add a New Person button, simply check the box that says Send New Account Email Immediately on the creation screen. This will ensure they get their credentials as soon as you save their profile.


2. One-at-a-time, after a user's profile is created.

Once you've created a user's profile, either one-at-a-time or in bulk, you can send login credentials one-at-a-time by following these steps:

  1. Select the People menu.

  2. Select the person's name you want to send credentials to.

  3. Select Send New Account Email.


3. In bulk, after users' profiles are created.

Once you've imported users' profiles in bulk, you can send login credentials in bulk, too.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select the People menu.

  2. Select the Send New Account Emails button in the highlighted banner at the top of the screen.

  3. Select who you'd like to send the credentials to: All Assigned Officials or All Users that have never logged in.

  4. Select Send Emails.

This will send login credentials to anyone within the group you selected in step three that hasn't logged in yet.

How does an Official log in after I've sent them their credentials?

When you send an official credentials from your Assignr site, this is what happens:

  1. They will be sent a personalized email with a link they can click.

  2. They will need to click the link in the email, which will bring them to the Assignr site.

  3. They will be prompted to choose a password.

  4. Once they choose a password and select Submit, they'll be ready to go. πŸ‘

What if an Official needs to reset their password?

Officials can reset their password on their own, or you can reset it for them.

If an official needs to reset their password on their own, they can use the forgot password page. There's a button that links to this page on the login screen, too, called Reset Password.

If you need to reset a password on behalf of an official, follow these steps:

  1. Select the People menu.

  2. Select the person's name whose password you want to reset.

  3. Select Send Password Reset.

Let us know if you have any questions on any of this! You can reach out to us anytime at [email protected]. 😊

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