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How to Assign Officials to a Game
Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over a week ago

Once you’ve added games to your site, the next steps is to assign officials to those games.

Assigning officials to games happens in the Games section of your account.

To assign officials to a game, follow these steps:

1. Select Games, then All Games (or Unassigned if you want to view exclusively unassigned games).

2. Select the Assign button on the right-hand side of the game you’d like to assign officials to


3. Select the dropdown menu for the position you’d like to assign first.

4. In order to determine who should be assigned to which position, you’ll want to take note of the letters to the right of each person’s name in the dropdown. The system will display the word OK if there are no conflicts, or it will display one or more letters next to the official’s name. These are called Conflict Codes. Each letter represents a reason why you might not want to assign a particular official to the game. More info on these in the FAQs below!


5. Select the official that you’d like to work the position you’re assigning.

6. Recommended: Review the assigned-official’s details on the screen to confirm they’re who you want to assign for this position. More info on these details in the FAQs below!

7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each open position for the game you’re working on.

8. Select Update.

💡 If you want your officials to be notified of their new assignments, don’t forget to publish your game:


Assigning FAQs:

What are Conflict Codes?

Conflict codes are a series of letters that represent conflicts, or potential reasons, why an official should not be assigned to a game.

Where can I view Conflict Code descriptions from within the system?

You can view the description of each conflict code by selecting the Conflicts button to the right of your dropdown:


Tell me more about what each Conflict Code means.

Here’s a bit more detail on what each conflict code means:

Conflict Code

Full Name of Conflict Code

Description of Conflict

Where to Edit/View this Conflict


no conflicts

The system doesn’t detect any conflicts related to assigning this official to the game and position in question.




This official has request to work this game.

Note: this symbol will show up to on left-hand side of the official’s name, as opposed to the right. You can learn more about game requests here.


This official is currently assigned to work this position at this game.

Note: this symbol will show up to on left-hand side of the official’s name, as opposed to the right.


Ability or Age Restriction conflict

The official does not have the ability to work this game’s age group, for the role you’re assigning. This is either:

  • because the official does not meet the Minimum Age Requirement for a game's Age Group,

  • or because of the official's Abilities settings in their profile.

You can view the Minimum Age Requirements for each Age Group under Maintenance / Ages & Fees. You can view (and edit) an official’s ability to work different age groups by selecting Abilities from within their profile.


game Counts

If the official works this game, they will exceed their maximum number of allowed assignments.

You can edit an individual official’s assignment limits by selecting Edit from within their profile, updating the Assignment Limits section of their account, and selecting Save.

You can edit site-wide assignment limits by navigating to your site’s Account in the upper right-hand corner, selecting Edit Site Settings, updating the Assignment Limits section of your site, and selecting Update.


Date conflict

The official has not set themselves as available from their Availability page at this game’s date/time.

You can view an official’s availability by selecting Availability from within their profile.

You can learn more about how officials can add their availability to their profiles here.


working Elsewhere

The official is already working a different game during the time of this game.

You can view an official’s assigned games by selecting Games from within their profile.


Group conflict

This official has a conflict due to the Groups & Rules they’re associated with.

You can view (and edit) your groups & rules by navigating to the Maintenance / Groups & Rules section of your account.

You can learn more about Groups & Rules here.


League conflict

The official has a conflict with the league this game is associated with.

You can view (and edit) an official’s league conflicts by selecting Conflicts from within their profile.


conflict with Other official

The official has a conflict with another official working this game.

You can view (and edit) officials’ person conflicts by selecting Conflicts from within their profile.


Previously declined this game

This official previously declined an assignment to this game.

The system prevents you from re-assigning an official to a game they have previously declined. Of course, if it wasn’t a mistake, you can always override this conflict and assign them to this game for them.


Team conflict

The official has a conflict with a team playing in this game.

You can view (and edit) an official’s team conflicts by selecting Conflicts from within their profile.

You can learn more about team conflicts here.



The official has a conflict somewhere in the Registration module.

If an official does not meet an organization’s registration requirements at the time of assigning a particular game, the U conflict code will appear. You can view (and edit) your organization’s registration setup by selecting Registration / Configuration.


Venue conflict

The official has a conflict with the venue this game is at.

You can view (and edit) officials’ venue conflicts by selecting Conflicts from within their profile.


eXternal conflict

The official is already working a different game during the time of this game, for another organization that also uses the platform.

You can see when an official is working a game externally by selecting Availability from within their profile.


Zone conflict

The official is not assigned to this game's zone, or district.

Note: This conflict code is only relevant to those using our zone/district feature.

How do I reassign a position in a game?

The process looks remarkably similar to how you’d initially assign an official to a game. 👍

To reassign a game to a different official than the one already assigned to it, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Assign button on the right-hand side of the game you’d like to re-assign an official to.

  2. Select the dropdown for the position you’d like to reassign.

  3. Recommended: Assess potential conflicts via Conflict Codes.

  4. Select the official that you’d like to work the position you’re re-assigning.

  5. Select Update.

The system will generate notifications to the new official, as well as the previously assigned official, as needed.

How can I automatically get the system to filter out officials who have conflicts?

By default, all officials are shown in the assigning dropdowns, but you can automatically hide officials who have conflicts with a game if you’d like.

If you take a look at the bottom of the assigning page, you’ll see a banner that looks like this:


Select the Hide Conflicts button in order to only show officials who have no conflicts with the game you’re assigning.

💡 If you select Show All, the lists will revert back to showing all officials for your site, regardless of conflict codes.

I’d like to assign the same crew to several different games happening at one venue. How can I copy assignments from one game to the next?

It’s not uncommon to assign the same crew to multiple back-to-back games at the same venue.

If that’s the case, you can easily auto-populate your assignments from one game down to the next game by using the Copy Assignments feature.


More about how the Copy Assignments feature works:

  1. Copy Assignments. When you select Copy Assignments, this will copy the crew from the first game to the next game.

  2. ⬇️ Copy All. When you select the down arrow, then Copy All, this will take the crew assigned to the game, and copy it to all of the proceeding games, on that day and at that venue / subvenue.

  3. ⬇️ Copy One & Rotate. When you select the down arrow, then Copy One & Rotate, this will take the crew assigned to the first came, and copy it to the next game, and will also rotate the positions (e.g. R is now AR1, AR1 is now AR2, AR2 is now 4th, and 4th is now R).

  4. ⬇️ Copy All & Rotate. When you select the down arrow, then Copy All & Rotate, this will copy the crew to every proceeding game, AND rotate the crew for each game, on that day and at that venue / subvenue.

💡The Copy Assignments button will only show up if you are actively assigning officials to a game that has another game happening after it, at the same venue, on the same date.

I need to assign all of my games at once. Are there any bulk-actions that would make this easier?


In the banner at the bottom of the screen, you’ll notice there are two options for the games on the assigning page you’re working on: Assign All and Save All.


If you select Assign All, all of the assigning dropdowns will open up simultaneously (as if you had gone through and individually selected each game’s Assign button).

If you select Save All, all of the assignment changes that have been made on the page will be immediately saved (as if you had gone through and individually selected each game’s Update button).

Hopefully these save you a bit of time!

Tell me more about the window that shows up with an official’s details, after I select their name in the assigning dropdown.

When a new official is selected in the assigning dropdown, the system will display some information about that selected official below the game. You’ll notice there are a variety of tabs you can select in order to view different types of info about them:


Here’s a breakdown of what each of these tabs will show you:

  1. Date — the first tab will indicate the game's date, and show whether the official has marked themselves as available. It will also show any other games the official has that day, along with their availability that day.

  2. All Games — this will list all games the official has been assigned to, two weeks before and after the game.

  3. Teams — if the official has previously worked games involving the given teams, this tab will list the details of those games.

  4. Comments — if you have added comments to an official's profile, they will be visible on this tab.

  5. Profile — this tab shows the official’s name, address, phone numbers, email address, and photo (if provided).

  6. Abilities — this tab lists all defined abilities for an official.

  7. Requests — this tab shows details for any games the official has requested.

  8. Groups & Rules — if the official is a part of any group with rules associated with it, the details of those groups & rules will show up here.

Happy assigning! Check out this article to learn about what else you can do from the Games page.

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