When an individual no longer needs access to the system, as an assignor, you can deactivate or delete an official to remove their access.
Deactivate a User
Assignr uses the Is a Referee checkbox to determine head count for billing purposes. When this box is un-checked, then the individual no longer counts against the total number of officials for your site.
When all of the checkboxes are un-checked in the Permissions area of a user's profile, this will deactivate their account, and they will no longer be able to login to Assignr.
To deactivate a user:
Click the People menu
Find the person's name in the list, and click their name
Click the Edit button
Un-check all of the checkboxes in the individual's profile
Click Update
Delete a User
If you would rather remove the person completely from Assignr, then you can delete their account.
Click the People menu
Find the person's name in the list, and click their name
Click the Delete button