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Deactivating a User
Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over a year ago

When an individual no longer needs access to the system, as an assignor, you can deactivate or delete an official to remove their access.

Deactivate a User

Assignr uses the Is a Referee checkbox to determine head count for billing purposes. When this box is un-checked, then the individual no longer counts against the total number of officials for your site.

When all of the checkboxes are un-checked in the Permissions area of a user's profile, this will deactivate their account, and they will no longer be able to login to Assignr.

To deactivate a user:

  • Click the People menu

  • Find the person's name in the list, and click their name

  • Click the Edit button

  • Un-check all of the checkboxes in the individual's profile

  • Click Update


Delete a User

If you would rather remove the person completely from Assignr, then you can delete their account.

  • Click the People menu

  • Find the person's name in the list, and click their name

  • Click the Delete button

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