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Transferring Funds into your Stored Balance
Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over a week ago

As a paying administrator, you can fund payments to officials in one of two ways:

  • Your payment is funded directly from your bank account, or

  • Your payment is funded with money that you have transferred into the Assignr payment network.

If you would like to pay officials quicker, you may decide to use funds that are already in our network.

Transfer Funds into the Assignr Network

Navigate to your payor page using the Financials : All Payors menu option


Choose the Transfer Funds menu option.

On the next screen, choose your bank account as the source, and Dwolla Balance as the destination.

In the Amount box, indicate the amount you wish to transfer.

Click Next: Review...

On the next page, confirm the dollar amount is correct check the I Authorize box, and click Transfer Now.

You will then see a confirmation message that the transfer has been initiated.

Transfers into our network generally take 3-4 business days before they can be used to pay officials.

Transfer Funds Out of the Assignr Network

To transfer funds from your stored balance to your bank account, you can follow the same process. Just choose your Dwolla Balance as the source of the transfer, and your bank account as the destination.

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