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Automated Auto-Decline

Assignr supports an automated process that will automatically decline an assignment that is not accepted within a certain period of time.

Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over a week ago

Once an official has been assigned to a game, and the game is published, Assignr will notify the official of their assignment. Some organizations prefer that officials respond by accepting or declining a game within a certain number of hours of assignment (often 24-48 hours). This allows the assignment to be given to someone else if the official does not respond.

Configure Auto-Decline

To enable this feature, navigate to the Site Settings page, and use the Edit Site Settings button.

In the Declined Assignments section, check the Auto-Decline Enabled checkbox to configure the time periods for auto-decline.

This feature provides two different values:

  • Hours to Accept: this configures how much time an official has to accept the game after they have been assigned.

  • Prevent Auto-Decline Within: this prevents a game that is approaching the game start time from being auto-declined on short notice.

As an example, with the settings configured as shown above, officials will have 36 hours to accept their assignments. Once 36 hours has elapsed, Assignr will automatically decline the game on behalf of the official, with a note that the official did not respond within 36 hours.

Additionally, if the game is within 24 hours of the start of the game, the game will not automatically be declined. This setting prevents a referee from being removed from a game on short notice, which may cause confusion for the referee or for the assignor.

Multiple Accepts on a Game

This process only runs when an official is initially assigned to a game. If a referee accepts a game, and then the game changes with respect to date/time/venue, Assignr will require the official to re-accept the game.

In this scenario, Assignr will not apply the auto-decline rule, as this also could cause confusion depending on the amount of time remaining before the game is schedule to start.

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