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How to Import Games in Bulk
Jeff Wigal avatar
Written by Jeff Wigal
Updated over a week ago

🚨 If you’re looking to learn how to import officials from a spreadsheet, check out this article.

There are two ways to add Games to your site:

  1. In Bulk. By importing games from a CSV (Excel) spreadsheet.

  2. One at a time. By adding games one-at-a-time from the Games screen.

To add games to your site from a Spreadsheet, follow these steps:

Step 1: Format your Spreadsheet.

First, let’s make sure you have your spreadsheet in the correct format.

1. Column Headers. Your first row should be your Column Headers, or titles, reflecting what information is in the rows underneath it.

2. One row per game. Each game must be on a single row of your spreadsheet.

3. Required Fields. You have the ability to import several different kinds of fields into the system (more info on those fields below!), but the following fields are required for each game:

a. Date — the date of the game.

b. Start Time — the time the game starts.

c. Venue — the location where the game is played.

d. Age Group — determines the level of play; controls the game fees; and controls whether an official should be assigned to the game based on the official’s ability page.

e. Home Team — one of the teams playing the game.

f. Away Team — the other team playing the game.

4. CSV. Save your spreadsheet as a CSV file.

Here’s an example of what a properly-formatted spreadsheet looks like:


Now that you have your spreadsheet ready to go, it’s time to actually import it into your site!

Step 2: Import your Spreadsheet.

To import your spreadsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Games menu, then select All Games.

  2. Select Import a Spreadsheet (CSV).

  3. File Type → Games.

  4. Select Choose File.

  5. Select the CSV spreadsheet of games you wish to upload.

  6. Select Open.

  7. Select Upload File.

  8. Choose a Default Pattern from the dropdown. (You can learn more about Officiating Patterns here, and in the FAQs below!).

  9. Map each Column Header that you wish to upload with the system’s corresponding field.

  10. Select Submit.

That’s it! Well done. 👏

Importing FAQs:

What other fields can I import, besides the required fields?

While you don’t have to, you’re more than welcome to include any/all of the following fields in your spreadsheet.

Keep in mind, you’ll need to map each of these fields to their corresponding system fields before selecting Submit, to ensure that the information is added to that game!

  1. Sub-Venue — A specific location within the main venue of a game. For example, Field 6, Court 3, or Main Gym.

  2. League — If you have League Conflicts set up, you can use the League section to ensure certain official(s) that have conflicts with certain league(s) do not get assigned to those league's games.

  3. Gender

  4. Game Type

  5. Game ID — The game ID can be anything (alphanumeric), but must be unique among all of your games.

  6. Notes (Visible to All) — These notes are visible to anyone that can view that game, including officials assigned to it.

  7. Assignor Notes — These notes are visible internally, to assignors only.

  8. Pattern — The officiating pattern, which determines the number and type(s) of officials assigned to this game. Learn more about how to import various Patterns below.

  9. Status — A game can have one of three statuses: Active, Canceled (no pay), or Canceled (with pay). New games default to being active. When Canceled (no pay) is selected, billing and payroll reports will automatically set the pay rate to zero. If the status of an existing game changes from active to cancelled, or vice versa, assigned officials will be notified.

  10. Paid by — The entity responsible for paying the officials. This field will only be shown when using the Financial Module or paying officials via Direct Deposit.

Can I import the assigned officials using a spreadsheet?

Yes, you can!

On your spreadsheet, you should add columns for each expected official. As an example, if your games require 3 officials each, you might have three additional columns called Official 1, Official 2 and Official 3. You can also name the according to position if needed, like Referee, Asst Referee 1, Asst Referee 2, or something similar.

Next, you'll need to add the name of the official that is to be assigned to each game. The name must match their name in your site, as Assignr will not add a new referee if they can't be found. Their name can be either first/last or last, first, (e.g. "Ted Lasso" or "Lasso, Ted" are both acceptable formats).

Finally, when you import the games, you will need to indicate that these columns represent the assigned officials. On the review screen, when Assignr prompts you to review the columns of your spreadsheet, you will need to switch these columns to the respective Assigned Official 1, Assigned Official 2, and Assigned Official 3 fields, like this:

What if not all of my games have the same Pattern?

If the games you’re importing have different Officiating Patterns, you’ll want to fill in the Pattern column in the spreadsheet you upload. Be sure to enter the name of your Patterns for each game exactly as they appear in the Maintenance → Patterns page.

💡 If the values in your Patterns column do not exactly match the names of the existing Patterns in your site, the Default Pattern will be used.

Happy uploading! Let us know if you run into any questions as you do this. 🙂

P.S. Here's a video that shows how this process works:

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